Retraites de Méditation / Retreats
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"I absolutely want to share with you all, my astounding experience this silent retreat turned out to be and encourage, those of you thinking about it ... to just do it! Take the time for yourself, it’s so worth it 😊... The profound stillness, the silence, the soulful energy, the teachings about the chakras, the beautiful chanting and mantras we did ... even the juice fasting ... it all felt like a coming home to me ❤️
I had many emotions come up during this weekend. I realize I need to work on learning how to trust others but mostly myself, re-learn to embrace vulnerability and change the harsh inner dialogue I didn’t even realize I was having within myself. Being mindful of the tension that has unconsciously been building inside. I think we all do this, we forget to be gentle with ourselves! We tend to encourage others to do so but forget to mirror it back! ...
This path has not always been easy, and I have resisted, often, the teachers sent my way. But MJ Ganesh you are an amazing guide to lead the way. Your gentleness, your kindness and your generosity in sharing your own journey was a gift to us all. Your music and your words are comforting and healing, everybody should experience your gifted talent!
Finally I am grateful to you for pushing and encouraging me. And myself, for the courage it took to explore the inner most depths of my soul! ... I came to this retreat seeking balance and alignment and I take with me, peace, trust and surrender ❤️" - Marta
"What an experience! I don't think I can find the right words to describe my experience. I was honestly concerned I would not be able to sit through the meditations. Your gentle guidance and energy, MJ Ganesh made it in fact "easy". After the breaks, I was looking forward to the meditations. The signing: guess what? I am sold. The vibrations and the energy: amazing. I thank you and the whole group for being part of my first silent meditation retreat experience. So enriching. Can't wait till the next one." - Valerie
"The retreat has re-awoken my meditative side. I am now meditating and practicing pranayama everyday. The retreat helped me clarify my mind and I had some astounding experiences in silence that reminded me of who I am." - Jonathan
"Thanks a lot for the retreat, my first ever, it was a great experience and it made me realise that I need to meditate a lot more often, I am still feeling relaxed. The food was excellent. Hope you'll do another one soon!" - Phillip
"Thank you soo much for the wonderful retreat MJ. You are simply the best! Your gifts are inspiring and comforting. This was my third retreat with you and I can attest that they keep getting better and better. After a wonderfully peaceful and nourishing weekend, I have started my week feeling light, grounded and grateful." - Melisa
"What a profound experience the retreat turned out to be for me. It really ingrained in me some good habits on mindfulness and helped me reconnect on a deeper level to the Source. Most importantly, it reminded me of my spirituality and I have really enjoyed incorporating all of the tools I learned into my life each day since I've been back. I even caught myself chanting in my head as I was riding my bike yesterday!" ~ Devan
"I had many emotions come up during the weekend which I realize I need to work on. I want to thank you for the 2 days, it is a quite a voyage from the Friday night to the Sunday. There were many times when I was wondering what the heck I was doing there! In the end I know the positive effects doing these retreats have on me and the baby steps I take each day for a more authentic me.... Thank you from the bottom, or better yet top, of my heart!" - Jillian
"We must all take some time to ourselves at least twice a year. Histoire de se retrouver, faire le vide des émotions refoulées ou oubliées, retrouver son énergie vitale et prendre le temps d'Etre, et pas de survivre. Un gros merci à Marc-Joseph pour m'avoir fait découvrir le yoga chanting. What a self liberating experience !" - Alicia
"I am so grateful to the Universe. All my life I have met people who have helped me grow, helped me to discover who I am, helped me accept myself. The path has not always been an easy one. I did not always recognized the teachers that have been sent to me, there was resistance. Marc-Joseph you are one of those teachers. Your are kind, dedicated, devoted to pass on to others what you are learning. Your gentle, non-judgmental way is helping us to advance on the path we have chosen. Reading the sharings about those retreats you have created, I can see I am not the only one who has benefited from your teachings... This past week-end (my 3rd retreat) was very enlightening. Isn't it amazing to see all of us participants coming from all walks of life, unknown to each other, yet all searching for the same thing - our true self? Thank you for your trust in us in your personal sharing - congratulations for your guitar playing... Thank you for your surprise gifts: Lea Longo's chanting (I listened and chanted with her in my car yesterday) and the Kundalini with Tracy - a new perspective came to me, after emptying our mind, on a situation i do not like in my life. What you create is not only for a week-end, it has a lasting effect..." - Denise
"Again, THANK YOU very much for this gift you offer us. Though it is for each of Us to do the Inner work on each our personal Journey-paths, you are such a generous, attuned, gentle, open Guide to lead the way... And though you are our Teacher you are also, as us, a fellow student of lyfe, learning, growing, evolving and sharing your wonderfull experience with all of us. MUCH GRATITUDE for this Gift. And it was such a gift to have you play guitar and sing those two beautyfull, tymeless Songs and it inspyres me to keep having Faith in how my Being expresses It. Self creatively and that maybe i too can break the mould, the Shell and set free and share what i have within, in my own way that is true to me. THANK YOU!...This was my fourth retreat--definitly not my last-- and like i said, for me it wasn't "better". It was beautyfull and amazing, as it always is and as the nyte stretches, i find myself loving it for so many reasons... It simply was "perfect" in it's own way, just the way it was...I very much like the way we "broke" the Silence, the eye-to-eye exercise and sharing. As you know, for me it's always challenging to get out of that silent space and speak, especially in a circle of people. It helped the transitioning... to gently glide from one state, that of quietude and Inner communing, to that of relating and connecting with what is "outside" oneself... and when you face this other person, first in Silence, then listening, then sharing you SEE this person, this SOUL, is not outside but a beautyfull mirroring Reflection of Self. When Derek and I faced each other, we found ourselves laughing alot. I can say that for me it was not from discomfort or nervousness... For one, i saw nothing but the Laughing Buddha when he smiled!! In the twinkle of his eyes, in the happy lines of his face... i even saw something like a playfully mischievous pixie... And it instantly uplifted me. It was the spark of the Wyld unbridled Child Within. I guess seeing it reflected in this Being facing me, it just erupted out of as well, like some bubbling stream! It certainly helped lift some of the tension that had slowly and unconsciously been building up inside of me...For me, this week-end was a piece/peace of Humble Pie ( with wyld Blueberrys i gathered and delighted in) and look forward to the next Retreat i'll take part in and the wonderfull surprises you always have in store for us." - Sandra
"What a splendid area L'Ermitage and with the snow that came down, it was simply magical. The silence was also a welcomed tool. I specially loved the teachings about the Chakras, their individual mantras and the breathing exercices. The dynamic of the group was also incredible. Thank you Marc-Joseph for such a well organized week-end and for becoming such a great teacher. From one retreat to the next, it keeps getting better and better. Sign me up for your next one please!" - Diane
"A truly wonderful experience full of insights into myself and my relation to others...we are ONE. Loved the chakra work we did, very healing. Thanks Yogi MJ!!" - Marie-Francoise
"The retreat was amazing. I cannot wait to attend another. It was well planned out, organized, and yet still open and relaxed. MJC was a gentle, knowledgeable and approachable instructor. I recommend it to all." - Linda
"I am so grateful to the Creator to have given me this opportunity! I am grateful to all the participants to have helped make it so enjoyable with all our mutual efforts, whatever they may have been, without judgment. I am grateful to Marc-Joseph for leading us on such a powerful journey, and yet walking with us at the same time. That is true leadership. I am grateful to the Center for creating such a haven in order to help people reconnect with our true selves. And I am grateful to myself for summoning the courage to explore the inner most depths of my heart and soul. Namaste." - Derek
"Thank you again for such a memorable and insightful weekend of meditation. I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel I have learned a lot about the benefits of meditation and how to go about doing it. I very much appreciated your dedication to the group, you did a great job guiding us through this unfamiliar territory." - Suzanne
"Thank you again Marc-Joseph, for a truly amazing weekend. To be honest, when I first signed up for the retreat I had no expectations other than wanting some quiet and personal space and rest. However I went with an open mind to see what the weekend would bring. I reconnected with myself on a far deeper level than I could have hoped." - Jana
"My experience was reached in two respects: the hope that someday I could really meditate (I finally found the correct sitting position and a method to concentrate which helps me not to feel the passing of the time) and my perception about you as an honest, sensitive, kind human being, passionate teacher, willing to grow with his disciples. I have to add that your sense of humor, appreciated long before this retreat, single you out and makes you shine." - Lidia
"Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to share this wonderful experience that we all shared together last week-end. I miss it already :) Up until now, i still kinda have a touch of that state of mind within me. I feel so at peace and zen :) My husband couldn't believe the change in me when i came home on Sunday." - Alicia
"Greetings! Just read your latest e-mail and I'm definitely there in November, back in Silence and Deep Serenity of Nature, by your gentle and respectful guidance. And for this I thank you most sincerely.. it was just what I needed! There was a beautiful and simple flow about the whole week-end, each person's Sacred Space respected and honoured through out. As I had mentioned to you, I experienced not one negative emotion or thought. For me, it was really just like coming Home.... Before I became a mother, I went a year "underground" and resurfaced with a Book, handwritten, with drawings, poems and a story interwoven through it all. My FirstBorn, so to speak (though it is still unfinished). Nature was my Sanctum and greatest Inspiration throughout that Journey.. Co-Creators really. Forests have always held a strong and precious place in my Heart. So what Joy it was to be received by the Still of the Woods.. Every Tree greeting me as if I'd been away for a long time, their sister finally returning to where she belongs... Your meditative walk reopened that Connection for me. The various mosses, the mysterious realm of Fungi, the mist over the morning lake, Swan Medicine, sweet BirdSongs, the great Boulders, the soft mizzling rain, the Fresh Air, the steams trickling secretly through the woods, the shades of Green in the foliage...when you see long enough, not one Tree is the same green as the next. I'm surprised I didn't draw what I saw... And yet, I was so content with JUST BEING...and Breathing with this Life and this Spirit around me... The meditating was so...easy! Felt so nourishing. The gentleness and loving kindness and wisdom of your Soul created a Sacred Circle where I for one was able to be totally unarmed. It was very akin to my inner rhythm... whereas the daily life with 2 children can pull one very far away from one's center. I wish I could say I remained in that center all week but alas, IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS... This retreat has brought me back face to face with the principle of Non-Violence. I stayed with it all week-end... Compassion was the Force and the Source of my Decision to become Vegetarian 18 years ago, Vegan 13 years.. But I realize Compassion goes for Oneself as well and that is where for long I have been "violent"...judgemental, guilt-ridden, self-sabotaging... To love Oneself is to love the world.. I go one small step at a time now with slow steady breaths. Thank you for helping me... And a heartfelt THANK YOU for letting everyone experience the Vegan way. Some words I spoke last Monday night after Yoga lingered, like a rebounding echo in my head and I realised afterwards that they are not quite true to me anymore. About having more respect for someone who will hunt and kill his own meat as opposed to someone who will blindly buy it at the grocery store, not knowing or not wanting to know where it comes from... It's something I felt in the past but for me NOW...All Life is Sacred and Animals are simply not ours, and not for us to eat, wear or use in any shape, way or form. An elevation in Conscience simply doesn't perpetuate the slavery, suffering and massacre of LIFE... One can live without taking from these creatures with which we share the Earth...It is possible, it is attainable. People always think it's hard... No, it's just easier going with the Norm, the consensus... In the beginning, to be Vegan, one must get acquainted with the Way of the Salmon, to swim against the current...But then, when guided by the Heart, each step is a Blessing for Self, for Creature-Kin, for Earth, for Spirit... I am so grateful for what you allowed to merge and grow in each of us present at the retreat. It was a Blessing for me, the Journey. I look forward to sitting with Silent Divinity in the chill of November amongst kindred spirits... Thank you for listening." - Sandra
"I absolutely want to share with you all, my astounding experience this silent retreat turned out to be and encourage, those of you thinking about it ... to just do it! Take the time for yourself, it’s so worth it 😊... The profound stillness, the silence, the soulful energy, the teachings about the chakras, the beautiful chanting and mantras we did ... even the juice fasting ... it all felt like a coming home to me ❤️
I had many emotions come up during this weekend. I realize I need to work on learning how to trust others but mostly myself, re-learn to embrace vulnerability and change the harsh inner dialogue I didn’t even realize I was having within myself. Being mindful of the tension that has unconsciously been building inside. I think we all do this, we forget to be gentle with ourselves! We tend to encourage others to do so but forget to mirror it back! ...
This path has not always been easy, and I have resisted, often, the teachers sent my way. But MJ Ganesh you are an amazing guide to lead the way. Your gentleness, your kindness and your generosity in sharing your own journey was a gift to us all. Your music and your words are comforting and healing, everybody should experience your gifted talent!
Finally I am grateful to you for pushing and encouraging me. And myself, for the courage it took to explore the inner most depths of my soul! ... I came to this retreat seeking balance and alignment and I take with me, peace, trust and surrender ❤️" - Marta
"What an experience! I don't think I can find the right words to describe my experience. I was honestly concerned I would not be able to sit through the meditations. Your gentle guidance and energy, MJ Ganesh made it in fact "easy". After the breaks, I was looking forward to the meditations. The signing: guess what? I am sold. The vibrations and the energy: amazing. I thank you and the whole group for being part of my first silent meditation retreat experience. So enriching. Can't wait till the next one." - Valerie
"The retreat has re-awoken my meditative side. I am now meditating and practicing pranayama everyday. The retreat helped me clarify my mind and I had some astounding experiences in silence that reminded me of who I am." - Jonathan
"Thanks a lot for the retreat, my first ever, it was a great experience and it made me realise that I need to meditate a lot more often, I am still feeling relaxed. The food was excellent. Hope you'll do another one soon!" - Phillip
"Thank you soo much for the wonderful retreat MJ. You are simply the best! Your gifts are inspiring and comforting. This was my third retreat with you and I can attest that they keep getting better and better. After a wonderfully peaceful and nourishing weekend, I have started my week feeling light, grounded and grateful." - Melisa
"What a profound experience the retreat turned out to be for me. It really ingrained in me some good habits on mindfulness and helped me reconnect on a deeper level to the Source. Most importantly, it reminded me of my spirituality and I have really enjoyed incorporating all of the tools I learned into my life each day since I've been back. I even caught myself chanting in my head as I was riding my bike yesterday!" ~ Devan
"I had many emotions come up during the weekend which I realize I need to work on. I want to thank you for the 2 days, it is a quite a voyage from the Friday night to the Sunday. There were many times when I was wondering what the heck I was doing there! In the end I know the positive effects doing these retreats have on me and the baby steps I take each day for a more authentic me.... Thank you from the bottom, or better yet top, of my heart!" - Jillian
"We must all take some time to ourselves at least twice a year. Histoire de se retrouver, faire le vide des émotions refoulées ou oubliées, retrouver son énergie vitale et prendre le temps d'Etre, et pas de survivre. Un gros merci à Marc-Joseph pour m'avoir fait découvrir le yoga chanting. What a self liberating experience !" - Alicia
"I am so grateful to the Universe. All my life I have met people who have helped me grow, helped me to discover who I am, helped me accept myself. The path has not always been an easy one. I did not always recognized the teachers that have been sent to me, there was resistance. Marc-Joseph you are one of those teachers. Your are kind, dedicated, devoted to pass on to others what you are learning. Your gentle, non-judgmental way is helping us to advance on the path we have chosen. Reading the sharings about those retreats you have created, I can see I am not the only one who has benefited from your teachings... This past week-end (my 3rd retreat) was very enlightening. Isn't it amazing to see all of us participants coming from all walks of life, unknown to each other, yet all searching for the same thing - our true self? Thank you for your trust in us in your personal sharing - congratulations for your guitar playing... Thank you for your surprise gifts: Lea Longo's chanting (I listened and chanted with her in my car yesterday) and the Kundalini with Tracy - a new perspective came to me, after emptying our mind, on a situation i do not like in my life. What you create is not only for a week-end, it has a lasting effect..." - Denise
"Again, THANK YOU very much for this gift you offer us. Though it is for each of Us to do the Inner work on each our personal Journey-paths, you are such a generous, attuned, gentle, open Guide to lead the way... And though you are our Teacher you are also, as us, a fellow student of lyfe, learning, growing, evolving and sharing your wonderfull experience with all of us. MUCH GRATITUDE for this Gift. And it was such a gift to have you play guitar and sing those two beautyfull, tymeless Songs and it inspyres me to keep having Faith in how my Being expresses It. Self creatively and that maybe i too can break the mould, the Shell and set free and share what i have within, in my own way that is true to me. THANK YOU!...This was my fourth retreat--definitly not my last-- and like i said, for me it wasn't "better". It was beautyfull and amazing, as it always is and as the nyte stretches, i find myself loving it for so many reasons... It simply was "perfect" in it's own way, just the way it was...I very much like the way we "broke" the Silence, the eye-to-eye exercise and sharing. As you know, for me it's always challenging to get out of that silent space and speak, especially in a circle of people. It helped the transitioning... to gently glide from one state, that of quietude and Inner communing, to that of relating and connecting with what is "outside" oneself... and when you face this other person, first in Silence, then listening, then sharing you SEE this person, this SOUL, is not outside but a beautyfull mirroring Reflection of Self. When Derek and I faced each other, we found ourselves laughing alot. I can say that for me it was not from discomfort or nervousness... For one, i saw nothing but the Laughing Buddha when he smiled!! In the twinkle of his eyes, in the happy lines of his face... i even saw something like a playfully mischievous pixie... And it instantly uplifted me. It was the spark of the Wyld unbridled Child Within. I guess seeing it reflected in this Being facing me, it just erupted out of as well, like some bubbling stream! It certainly helped lift some of the tension that had slowly and unconsciously been building up inside of me...For me, this week-end was a piece/peace of Humble Pie ( with wyld Blueberrys i gathered and delighted in) and look forward to the next Retreat i'll take part in and the wonderfull surprises you always have in store for us." - Sandra
"What a splendid area L'Ermitage and with the snow that came down, it was simply magical. The silence was also a welcomed tool. I specially loved the teachings about the Chakras, their individual mantras and the breathing exercices. The dynamic of the group was also incredible. Thank you Marc-Joseph for such a well organized week-end and for becoming such a great teacher. From one retreat to the next, it keeps getting better and better. Sign me up for your next one please!" - Diane
"A truly wonderful experience full of insights into myself and my relation to others...we are ONE. Loved the chakra work we did, very healing. Thanks Yogi MJ!!" - Marie-Francoise
"The retreat was amazing. I cannot wait to attend another. It was well planned out, organized, and yet still open and relaxed. MJC was a gentle, knowledgeable and approachable instructor. I recommend it to all." - Linda
"I am so grateful to the Creator to have given me this opportunity! I am grateful to all the participants to have helped make it so enjoyable with all our mutual efforts, whatever they may have been, without judgment. I am grateful to Marc-Joseph for leading us on such a powerful journey, and yet walking with us at the same time. That is true leadership. I am grateful to the Center for creating such a haven in order to help people reconnect with our true selves. And I am grateful to myself for summoning the courage to explore the inner most depths of my heart and soul. Namaste." - Derek
"Thank you again for such a memorable and insightful weekend of meditation. I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel I have learned a lot about the benefits of meditation and how to go about doing it. I very much appreciated your dedication to the group, you did a great job guiding us through this unfamiliar territory." - Suzanne
"Thank you again Marc-Joseph, for a truly amazing weekend. To be honest, when I first signed up for the retreat I had no expectations other than wanting some quiet and personal space and rest. However I went with an open mind to see what the weekend would bring. I reconnected with myself on a far deeper level than I could have hoped." - Jana
"My experience was reached in two respects: the hope that someday I could really meditate (I finally found the correct sitting position and a method to concentrate which helps me not to feel the passing of the time) and my perception about you as an honest, sensitive, kind human being, passionate teacher, willing to grow with his disciples. I have to add that your sense of humor, appreciated long before this retreat, single you out and makes you shine." - Lidia
"Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to share this wonderful experience that we all shared together last week-end. I miss it already :) Up until now, i still kinda have a touch of that state of mind within me. I feel so at peace and zen :) My husband couldn't believe the change in me when i came home on Sunday." - Alicia
"Greetings! Just read your latest e-mail and I'm definitely there in November, back in Silence and Deep Serenity of Nature, by your gentle and respectful guidance. And for this I thank you most sincerely.. it was just what I needed! There was a beautiful and simple flow about the whole week-end, each person's Sacred Space respected and honoured through out. As I had mentioned to you, I experienced not one negative emotion or thought. For me, it was really just like coming Home.... Before I became a mother, I went a year "underground" and resurfaced with a Book, handwritten, with drawings, poems and a story interwoven through it all. My FirstBorn, so to speak (though it is still unfinished). Nature was my Sanctum and greatest Inspiration throughout that Journey.. Co-Creators really. Forests have always held a strong and precious place in my Heart. So what Joy it was to be received by the Still of the Woods.. Every Tree greeting me as if I'd been away for a long time, their sister finally returning to where she belongs... Your meditative walk reopened that Connection for me. The various mosses, the mysterious realm of Fungi, the mist over the morning lake, Swan Medicine, sweet BirdSongs, the great Boulders, the soft mizzling rain, the Fresh Air, the steams trickling secretly through the woods, the shades of Green in the foliage...when you see long enough, not one Tree is the same green as the next. I'm surprised I didn't draw what I saw... And yet, I was so content with JUST BEING...and Breathing with this Life and this Spirit around me... The meditating was so...easy! Felt so nourishing. The gentleness and loving kindness and wisdom of your Soul created a Sacred Circle where I for one was able to be totally unarmed. It was very akin to my inner rhythm... whereas the daily life with 2 children can pull one very far away from one's center. I wish I could say I remained in that center all week but alas, IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS... This retreat has brought me back face to face with the principle of Non-Violence. I stayed with it all week-end... Compassion was the Force and the Source of my Decision to become Vegetarian 18 years ago, Vegan 13 years.. But I realize Compassion goes for Oneself as well and that is where for long I have been "violent"...judgemental, guilt-ridden, self-sabotaging... To love Oneself is to love the world.. I go one small step at a time now with slow steady breaths. Thank you for helping me... And a heartfelt THANK YOU for letting everyone experience the Vegan way. Some words I spoke last Monday night after Yoga lingered, like a rebounding echo in my head and I realised afterwards that they are not quite true to me anymore. About having more respect for someone who will hunt and kill his own meat as opposed to someone who will blindly buy it at the grocery store, not knowing or not wanting to know where it comes from... It's something I felt in the past but for me NOW...All Life is Sacred and Animals are simply not ours, and not for us to eat, wear or use in any shape, way or form. An elevation in Conscience simply doesn't perpetuate the slavery, suffering and massacre of LIFE... One can live without taking from these creatures with which we share the Earth...It is possible, it is attainable. People always think it's hard... No, it's just easier going with the Norm, the consensus... In the beginning, to be Vegan, one must get acquainted with the Way of the Salmon, to swim against the current...But then, when guided by the Heart, each step is a Blessing for Self, for Creature-Kin, for Earth, for Spirit... I am so grateful for what you allowed to merge and grow in each of us present at the retreat. It was a Blessing for me, the Journey. I look forward to sitting with Silent Divinity in the chill of November amongst kindred spirits... Thank you for listening." - Sandra
"Merci pour la merveilleuse retraite que tu nous as permis de vivre….encore une fois! Le coeur et l’authenticité que tu y mets suscitent l’ouverture et l'engagement. Tu enseignes par l’exemple et le partage, la plus haute forme d’enseignement, celle qui suscite le changement profond…Tu nous fais aussi le cadeau d’intégrer différentes pratiques, comme le yoga kundalini, et dernièrement le chi jong…Merci de ne pas être dogmatique et de nous ouvrir à toutes sortes de possibilités et d’outils.Ces retraites sont pour moi une sorte de fontaine de Jouvence spirituelle, J’en ressors ressourcée et sereine. Depuis mon retour, je fais jouer ton disque Birth of Ganesh, qui me branche sur l’essentiel dès le matin, et me rappelle joyeusement de goûter le moment présent et la pleine conscience… Merci d’être là, cher MJ. J’espère que la vie t’offrira les moyens de continuer. Le monde a besoin de ta lumière…" Namasté. Louiselle
"Splendide fin de semaine avec un groupe de superbes âmes. J'ai bien aimé l'endroit ainsi que la nourriture, les belles expériences différentes vécues dans tout: marche, méditation, qi gong, yoga et autre :-) / Merci MJ Ganeshd'avoir organisé cette fin de semaine." - Daniel
"La retraite de novembre m'a procuré un grand bien et j'aimerais bien renouveler l'expérience... Je pense souvent à cette retraite silencieuse (pas trop difficile avec les périodes de chants), au coucher du soleil et au lever de la lune le vendredi soir, à la lumière du soleil qui m'a ébloui le samedi matin au yoga, la bonne nourriture, les promenades extérieures seule ou en groupe, le merveilleux massage, la rencontre avec Sandra... Ça passé trop vite, j'aurais aimé une journée de plus ! Merci encore pour le bien-être que vous savez procurer autour de vous !" - Sylvie
"WOW ce que j’ai trouvé durant ce week-end. Tu es une personne pour qui j’ai beaucoup de respect même si on ne se connait pas beaucoup. Tu es dans la bonne voie svp continue car pour moi tu m’as apporté compassion, calme, force, confiance je suis revu normal.( pour ce que normal veux dire!!!) MERCI!!!!Tu nous transmets tout par ta force, ta compassion, ta compréhension, ton non jugement. Avec toi on peut s’exprimer même si cela n’est pas mon point fort car je suis beaucoup gêner... J'ai tellement reçu durant ce WE, c’est incroyable. Ce fût pour moi une expérience inoubliable, enrichissante, pleine de bonté, je n’ai d’autre mots que j’ai hâte à la prochaine. Merci d’être la personne que tu es et si cela est possible je te renvoie toute l’amour et le force que tu m’as donné. Keep going on that path you are an exceptional person." - Maryse
"C’est ma troisième retraite avec toi, et la dernière est toujours la meilleure…A chaque fois, j’apprends tellement. Ce qui te caractérise, c’est ton ouverture, la variété d’expériences auxquelles tu nous exposes, l’équilibre entre l’enseignement, la pratique, et notre temps libre…et le merveilleux silence. J’en ressors à chaque fois énergisée, renouvelée, gonflée à bloc, et même mon entourage le remarque…Merci de nous avoir fait découvrir Traci, si inspirante, et le kundalini (j’adooore cet esprit frondeur, audacieux et ludique, et si efficace!). With you, I feel like a « work in progress ». Thank you to be so true, so open. Et un gros merci également à tous les autres participants. MJ « met la table », et une table somptueuse, mais c’est à nous de choisir ce qu’on prend et de contribuer. Merci pour votre générosité, votre partage, votre chaleur et votre respect." - Louiselle
"Merci pour la belle retraite de yoga/ méditation. Ce fût une fin de semaine très zen, empreinte de sérénité. Tu as su filtrer ton énergie et ouvrir tous nos canaux de chakras. Tu es un très bon guide et merci pour transmettre tout ce que tu puises au fond de ton être pour aider à mon développement spirituel." - Nicole
"Mon expérience a été vraiment très intéressante et tellement einrichissante! Tout était beau, bon, Nourrissant, recentrant... Marc-Joseph a su s'adapter au groupe.... m'a enseigné des tas de choses.... C'était ma première expérience.... Je me sens différente à plusieur points de vues, depuis la fin de semaine!! Je déguste tout plein de moments de ma vie... Je médite un peu plus dans mon quotidien... et c'est surprenant pour moi... et ça me fait un bien immense!! Namasté!" - Chantale
La retraite a été un havre de paix et de ressourcement. Je suis arrivée fatiguée, malade, en désarroi. Je suis repartie énergisée... Je pratique ce que j'ai appris. Je pense à ralentir le pas, je me laisse moins perturber par les événements extérieurs, je suis plus dans le moment présent... Je te remercie pour l'authenticité et le coeur que tu as mis à préparer ces journées. C'est cette belle énergie qui a permis tous ces petits miracles de prise de conscience, et ce partage." - Louiselle
"Merci pour la merveilleuse retraite que tu nous as permis de vivre….encore une fois! Le coeur et l’authenticité que tu y mets suscitent l’ouverture et l'engagement. Tu enseignes par l’exemple et le partage, la plus haute forme d’enseignement, celle qui suscite le changement profond…Tu nous fais aussi le cadeau d’intégrer différentes pratiques, comme le yoga kundalini, et dernièrement le chi jong…Merci de ne pas être dogmatique et de nous ouvrir à toutes sortes de possibilités et d’outils.Ces retraites sont pour moi une sorte de fontaine de Jouvence spirituelle, J’en ressors ressourcée et sereine. Depuis mon retour, je fais jouer ton disque Birth of Ganesh, qui me branche sur l’essentiel dès le matin, et me rappelle joyeusement de goûter le moment présent et la pleine conscience… Merci d’être là, cher MJ. J’espère que la vie t’offrira les moyens de continuer. Le monde a besoin de ta lumière…" Namasté. Louiselle
"Splendide fin de semaine avec un groupe de superbes âmes. J'ai bien aimé l'endroit ainsi que la nourriture, les belles expériences différentes vécues dans tout: marche, méditation, qi gong, yoga et autre :-) / Merci MJ Ganeshd'avoir organisé cette fin de semaine." - Daniel
"La retraite de novembre m'a procuré un grand bien et j'aimerais bien renouveler l'expérience... Je pense souvent à cette retraite silencieuse (pas trop difficile avec les périodes de chants), au coucher du soleil et au lever de la lune le vendredi soir, à la lumière du soleil qui m'a ébloui le samedi matin au yoga, la bonne nourriture, les promenades extérieures seule ou en groupe, le merveilleux massage, la rencontre avec Sandra... Ça passé trop vite, j'aurais aimé une journée de plus ! Merci encore pour le bien-être que vous savez procurer autour de vous !" - Sylvie
"WOW ce que j’ai trouvé durant ce week-end. Tu es une personne pour qui j’ai beaucoup de respect même si on ne se connait pas beaucoup. Tu es dans la bonne voie svp continue car pour moi tu m’as apporté compassion, calme, force, confiance je suis revu normal.( pour ce que normal veux dire!!!) MERCI!!!!Tu nous transmets tout par ta force, ta compassion, ta compréhension, ton non jugement. Avec toi on peut s’exprimer même si cela n’est pas mon point fort car je suis beaucoup gêner... J'ai tellement reçu durant ce WE, c’est incroyable. Ce fût pour moi une expérience inoubliable, enrichissante, pleine de bonté, je n’ai d’autre mots que j’ai hâte à la prochaine. Merci d’être la personne que tu es et si cela est possible je te renvoie toute l’amour et le force que tu m’as donné. Keep going on that path you are an exceptional person." - Maryse
"C’est ma troisième retraite avec toi, et la dernière est toujours la meilleure…A chaque fois, j’apprends tellement. Ce qui te caractérise, c’est ton ouverture, la variété d’expériences auxquelles tu nous exposes, l’équilibre entre l’enseignement, la pratique, et notre temps libre…et le merveilleux silence. J’en ressors à chaque fois énergisée, renouvelée, gonflée à bloc, et même mon entourage le remarque…Merci de nous avoir fait découvrir Traci, si inspirante, et le kundalini (j’adooore cet esprit frondeur, audacieux et ludique, et si efficace!). With you, I feel like a « work in progress ». Thank you to be so true, so open. Et un gros merci également à tous les autres participants. MJ « met la table », et une table somptueuse, mais c’est à nous de choisir ce qu’on prend et de contribuer. Merci pour votre générosité, votre partage, votre chaleur et votre respect." - Louiselle
"Merci pour la belle retraite de yoga/ méditation. Ce fût une fin de semaine très zen, empreinte de sérénité. Tu as su filtrer ton énergie et ouvrir tous nos canaux de chakras. Tu es un très bon guide et merci pour transmettre tout ce que tu puises au fond de ton être pour aider à mon développement spirituel." - Nicole
"Mon expérience a été vraiment très intéressante et tellement einrichissante! Tout était beau, bon, Nourrissant, recentrant... Marc-Joseph a su s'adapter au groupe.... m'a enseigné des tas de choses.... C'était ma première expérience.... Je me sens différente à plusieur points de vues, depuis la fin de semaine!! Je déguste tout plein de moments de ma vie... Je médite un peu plus dans mon quotidien... et c'est surprenant pour moi... et ça me fait un bien immense!! Namasté!" - Chantale
La retraite a été un havre de paix et de ressourcement. Je suis arrivée fatiguée, malade, en désarroi. Je suis repartie énergisée... Je pratique ce que j'ai appris. Je pense à ralentir le pas, je me laisse moins perturber par les événements extérieurs, je suis plus dans le moment présent... Je te remercie pour l'authenticité et le coeur que tu as mis à préparer ces journées. C'est cette belle énergie qui a permis tous ces petits miracles de prise de conscience, et ce partage." - Louiselle